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Ransomware is a type of malicious software (malware) which makes your system or its files unusable if infected. Ransomware has become an increasingly prevalent global threat, where cybercriminals use readily available software to encrypt electronic devices, folders and files that render systems inaccessible to users. Once files are encrypted, criminals demand a ransom from the system owner in return for the decryption keys, often in the form  of hard-to-trace cryptocurrencies. Not only do criminals use ransomware to encrypt files, ransomware also allows criminals to gain access to a network, enabling them to steal sensitive information.


In Australia, a 15% increase in ransomware attacks over the last 12 months has been observed. Globally, it is estimated that there is a ransomware attack on a business every 11 seconds with a projected loss of over AUD $30 billion. Hence, it is important for businesses to ensure they have processes and tools in place to efficiently deal with ransomware attacks.


Razilio offers the following services from a ransomware protection perspective.



A detailed assessment of your capability to protect, detect and respond to ransomware threats and how to improve


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Protect / Detect Enhancements

We can actively assist you in helping reduce your ransomware risk through enabling pragmatic people, process and technology controls

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Response Plans

Be better prepared to respond to ransomware with a detailed incident response plan




Ransomware Tabletops: Operational

Practice makes perfect. Our aligned tabletop exercises enable you to test your plan and help prepare your business for a real event


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Ransomware Tabletops:

Our unique interactive board workshop helps board members and directors better understand their role and obligations  in regards to cyber risk management.

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Be prepared by having industry leading insurance available for a worst case scenario. Find out more here.



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