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Cyber risk mangement is no longer just the domain of the chief information officer. The continued evolving threat associated with cyber risk means that it needs visbility to the top of an organisation. Directors and board members need to ensure they are across how their organisation is managing cyber risk and ensure they are demonstrating execution of their expected responsibilities as senior leaders of the organisation. 


Razilio's deep experience in cyber and risk management has enabled us to develop a comprehensive solution to bring defensibility to your cyber program. We can assist by assessing both what you have in place today as well as bringing practical solutions and specilist and uniquely engaging eductaion and training via awareness workshops to better prepare your board and directors. 


Cyber Risk Appetite Statement

Allow us to help you determine, monitor and manage the acceptable levels of cyber risk within your business


Board Cyber Health Check

Do you have cyber policies, frameworks and procedures in place? Let us help determine how effective and optimised these are for your business


Board Training
and Awareness

Enable your board members and directors to be better informed about cyber risk as well as understanding their obligations and responsibilities.

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Board Cyber Reporting Framework

We can help improve your communication and reporting to the board around cyber risk which will enable more effective conversations 

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